Over the past couple of weeks the oyster catchers have been beeping away in their own morse code outside the window in the evenings. The two ducks who stayed in the bay and frequented Roberto’s last summer were back on his doorstep the other day and the first gannet I saw diving in the bay happened to be on my birthday!
Last Sunday I was looking out to sea because Jon was on a lifeboat shout (a sign of spring in it’s own way), I saw an unusual splash and then another one in almost the same place. I picked up the binoculars and there was a splash again, being made by what appeared to be the top of a whale just breaking the surface.
On Friday there was a baby curlew picking about in the shallows for most of the day and yesterday we caught a glimpse of the first terns to come back to Port Erin.
Happy times, summer is on it’s way…..