NEW! Winter Shorebased Courses

This year we are expanding! We have got ourselves a new classroom space, just across the road from the shop and are now able the offer the RYA Shorebased Courses in navigation and VHF Radio. We have the following courses available:

NEW Basic Navigation and Safety – 2 day course
The RYA introduced this new course last month, it is aimed at potential day skippers,powerboaters, sea anglers, divers and others using small boats in coastal areas. The course gives an introduction to charts, safety, engine checks, buoyage, tidal awareness, pilotage, rules of the road, anchoring, weather forecasts, GPS use and passage planning.

This course will provide you with essential knowledge to help keep you safe on short coastal journeys and we’ll be sure to add plenty of local knowledge about the Manx waters. If you have ever wondered what procedures you should follow in emergency situations, in the event of fog at sea, or if something happens to your skipper while you’re out; this course will provide you with the reassurance that you will know what to do…..

No prior knowledge or experience is required for this course, it is a two day course, price £139 per person which includes all course materials.
Dates: 27th & 28th October, 10th & 11th November, 17th & 18th November and 15th & 16th December.

Short Range Certificate (VHF Radio)

The Short Range Certificate (SRC) is the radio operator qualification which authorises the holder to operate a VHF Radiotelephone fitted with Digital Selective Calling (DSC) If you own a marine radio handheld or fixed set, you are required by law to hold an operator’s licence. This one day course will teach you the procedures for correct radio operation and etiquette and is followed by an exam to gain the qualification.

Course fee £99 per person, there is an additional charge of £22 payable for issue of the certificate.

Dayskipper Theory & Yachtmaster Theory
We are also running Dayskipper Theory and Yachtmaster Theory courses. Both of the courses require 40 hours of teaching time. We are able to run these courses in intensive, semi-intensive or night school format.

Dayskipper Theory:
Option 1: 3 x weekends: 24th & 25th November, 1st & 2nd and 8th & 9th December.
Option 2: Night school format Thursday evenings 7pm – 9pm commencing 1st November through to March.
Option 3. Five day intensive course dates arranged to suit you.

Yachtmaster Theory:
Option 1: Night school format on Monday evenings 7pm – 9pm commencing 22nd October through to March.
Option 2: Five day intensive course 22nd – 26th October or alternative dates to suit you.
Option 3: 3 x weekends arranged to suit you.

Course fees for Dayskipper or Yachtmaster Theory courses are £250 per person which includes course notes, training charts, exams and certificates.

If you require any further information regarding any of our courses please contact us; email or tel: 450801. If you wish to make a booking please download the booking form and return the completed form to us with the appropriate course fee.