Articles by ingie
Sea Creature Spotted!!
pictures from associated press just come in… this sea creature seen wandering the shores of port st mary…
if you see it… be sure to wave your hands above your head in wide circles and shout “Begone Foul Smeeeeeeeg!” and you should be safe …
Time Enuff
After months of pressure I’ve finally broken!
Jenni has had some strange idea that I can add something to this bloggin thingumy jig here…………………so here it is!
It’s really been a seriously bizi summer, what with one thing
and another, kids, tourists, and even the odd act of piracy by some unthinking, uncaring tea-leaves!
Now that we’re heading into winter I’ll miss our time on the water, but i’ll be looking forward to the spring when we dust the fleet down for another season.
Bye for now
JQ 😉
Grand Opening
7th Wave’s Grand Opening is on Saturday 27th May, from 12:30pm.
Weather permitting, all our boats will be on the water. Please bring a towel and a change of clothes if you want to go on the water.
See you there! 🙂
Hello and welcome to 7th Wave
Hi there!
Nothing much to say at the moment except we’re in the final throws of getting ready for our Grand Opening, on Saturday the 27th May 2006…
Once things have settled down, we’ll start writing here what’s been going on, and what’s coming up for us here in Port Erin, Isle of Man.
In the meantime, please have a look through the site. Tell us what you think, what you’d like to see more… or less of 🙂 and then – we hope – you’d like to come and try out our courses and activities, or buy something from our shop [ which we should have on-line soon, selling ethical clothing and water-sportswear and such ].
Hope to see you soon,