Phone took a dip

Yesterday I dropped my mobile in the sea, so if you need to contact us use the shop number 836366 or email me please!

Congratulations Tom Howitt

Tom Howitt has passed his RYA Dinghy Instructors course today after a bitterly cold and fairly windy week at Plas Menaii.  Well done Tom!  We look forward to having you back at work next week…


The terns are back! Two arrived in the bay today, usually they will stay for a few weeks, then come back again in July. Keep your eyes open for them fishing for sand eels at the Cosy Nook end of the bay


We’ve had a cracking day on the water today, with some excellent sailing from our Youth Race Training group.  Hopefully we will see some on them in action at the IOMYC RS Tera Open Meeting in May.

Weather the weather

Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot, we’ll weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.

So last week we had summer in March, now it is actually snowing outside. Once again the IOM has gone from winter to a week of summer and back to winter again!

We are back on the water

Today has been a great day, a little chilly, but still enjoyable for our first Youth Sailing Week of the season. It’s a Race Training course so five essentials and tacking have been the order of the day.

Looking a bit breezy and even chillier tomorrow 🙁 Still…. we’ll make the best of it

Getting the boats ready :)

Two hours spent picking up all of Port Erin’s litter that finds its way to our boat park during the winter. A record of six black sacks full this year! Another wonderful couple of hours spent in the sunshine getting the boats ready for the season. Woohoo! One week to go….