Calling all junior sailors….

Have you entered the RS Tera Isle of Man Open yet?  The Isle of Man Yacht Club will host an Open Meeting for junior sailors from 5th -7th May 2012.  This will be a great opportunity for young sailors to compete against the top Manx juniors and hopefully some sailors from the UK Tera fleet too.  Racing will take place in Bay ny Carrickey, there will be plenty of safety boats and assistance for new-comers.  The Manx Youth Sailing Squad are looking to recruit up to three new members this season, so if you are interesting in being part of this team you need to compete at this regatta. 

All details, Notice of race and Entry Form are on the IOMYC website at .  If you are a IOMYC member and would like to use a club boat then contact Wendy Hill to arrange.  If you are not a Club member, but would like to have a go please contact Jen at 7th Wave and we’ll do our best to find you a boat 🙂

It is hoped that competitors will travel again from the UK to join us so if any families can offer accommodation please let Brian Partington know.

The ducks are back :)

These guys are back again! It is at least the fourth year running that this same pair have arrived. They were once again knocking on the door of the ice-cream shop for their bowl of bread and water 🙂

Easter Youth Sailing Weeks – almost full

Already the season ahead is looking busy!  We are running three Youth Sailing Weeks this Easter holiday.

From 2nd – 6th April there is a Race Training week, which gives young sailors a head start for the season of club and championship racing.  Sailors who wish to apply for a place in the Manx Youth Sailing Squad will really benefit from this course.

9th to 13th April is a Stage 2 and 3 week, this course is now full.

King William’s College and the Buchan have another week’s holiday from 16th – 20th April, so we are running a beginners course and a Stage 2 / 3 course.  There are four places available for this week.

Manx Youth Sailing Squad Success at RS Tera Nationals

The Manx Youth Sailing Squad brought home the Team Champions Trophy for the Isle of Man at the RS Tera National Championship last weekend at Dabchicks Sailing Club, Essex. The prize was awarded to the team who scored best three overall results in the Championship. The Manx Youth Sailing Squad beat last year’s winners at their own home club!

The squad consists of the Island’s top six sailors aged 14 and under, selected during trials at the beginning of this sailing season. The team trained throughout the summer at 7th Wave in Port Erin with coaches Phil Hardisty, Don Edwards, Rob Cowell and Jenni Quillin.

34 boats from around the British Isles entered the Championship which consisted of six very close races over two days. Saturday’s racing was held in light winds and very strong tides in the estuary. Tides would prove to be a decisive factor in the Championship and the Squad were assisted in their strategies by the coaches who travelled with them.

James Kelly (age 12) and Izzy Sharpe (age 13) really showed what the Manx could do, finishing 2nd and 3rd respectively in Race 1. The Manx Youth Sailing Squad scored four top ten results in Race 2, with Greg Kelly (age 11) finishing 6th, James Kelly 7th, Hannah Howitt (age 14) 8th and Izzy Sharpe 10th. The best Manx result in Race 3 came from Hannah Howitt in 14th place, but unfortunately James, Greg and Ffinlo Wright were caught out by the tide and were pushed over the start line, causing their disqualification from the race. Competitors would be able to discard their worst score once four races had been completed, which for James, Greg and Ffinlo would be this result, however they could make no mistakes in Sunday’s races.

Racing started at 10am on Sunday morning with the wind now up to a steady force 3, which was forecast to increase throughout the day. Greg finished Race 4 in 7th, Hannah 12th and James 14th.

The Manx Youth Sailing Squad members had a impressive start to Race 5 with four of them being in the first five across the line. Coach Phil Hardisty descibed it as “a brilliant start by Izzy, James, Greg and Hannah”. Greg took full advantage of this good start and defended his position around the course to finish in 3rd place. Amie Shute (age 12) who had struggled with the light airs and strong tide on Saturday found her form in this race, getting into the top ten and finishing in a credible 9th place.

The Kelly brothers again made their mark in the final race of the series with James finishing in 3rd place and Greg 5th. The breeze seemed to suit Amie who put in another consistent race and again finished 9th. Ffinlo Wright (age 9), the squad’s youngest and newest member, was competing in a large fleet for the first time. He showed that the experience had been of real benefit to him. He had scored consistent results toward to lower end of the fleet during the series but in this last race all he had learned over the weekend came together and he scored an admirable 17th place, taking him from the bottom to the middle of the fleet.

The cumulation of James, Greg and Izzy’s overall scores ensured that the Manx Youth Sailing Squad took home the trophy for the RS Tera National Team Championships. In the individual competition James Kelly finished 7th overall, Greg 8th, Izzy 12th, Hannah 16th, Amie 19th and Ffinlo 30th.

Manx Youth Sailing Squad Coach Donald Edwards was delighted with the Squad’s performance: “This is only the second time the squad has competed off-island, and to bring home a trophy is a fantastic result for the whole team. They have all done themselves proud and we hope this will be the start of further success for each of these young sailors.”

Throughout the weekend the RS Tera GBR coaches had been on the water assessing all the competitors in order to select the 2010 GBR RS Tera Squad. The coaches were very impressed with the overall performance and high sailing standard of the Manx Youth Squad Members and at the end of the weekend Izzy Sharpe, James Kelly and Greg Kelly were invited to join the GBR RS Tera Squad. Izzy, James and Greg will attend four training weekends in the UK during the winter and will hopefully progress to represent Great Britain at the RS Tera World Championships in the future.

Well done guys, we are proud of you.

Summer sale now on

Plain Lazy summer T-shirts and hoodies are on sale plus Tapped organic cotton Ts also reduced.

Now stock for autumn is already here, call in and have a look…..

MYSS sailors to compete at RS Tera European’s

Manx Youth Sailing Squad members James and Greg Kelly are off to Lake Garda, Italy, on Friday to compete at the RS Tera European Championships. They will be competing in the Tera Sport Class where possibly 50 entries are expected and all competitors will be age 16 or under.

We wish them both the very best of luck at the Championship.

Manx Youth Sailing Squad 2009

The Manx Youth Sailing Squad Selection Trials 2009 will be held during the weekend of 25th & 26th April (most probably at 7th Wave although this will depend on the total number of entries). This year we plan to use the RS Teras for the trials so we will be able to provide some boats, but we ask anyone that has their own Tera to please use it for the trials. The Squad will be chosen by local RYA Racing Coaches in accordance with the MYSS Selection Policy. To be eligible for selection, a sailor should be age 14 and under on 30th October 2009.

There will be four training weekends throughout the summer for squad members. Training will take place at 7th Wave and all boats for training will be provided.

The team will travel to Dabchicks Sailing Club (East coast of England) for the RS Tera National Championship on the weekend of 19th & 20th September and will be accompanied by at least one of their coaches.

Dates for 2009

25th & 26th April – Selection Trials
16th & 17th May – Training 1
27th & 28th June – Training 2
8th & 9th August – Training 3
12th & 13th September – Training 4

As per 2008 we ask that anyone who applies for a place in the Manx Youth Sailing Squad is available to attend a significant number of the training sessions during the summer. Squad members are also encouraged to get as much racing experience as possible during the season by entering Club races and local regattas throughout the season. It is strongly recommended that entrants have some experience of dinghy racing prior to entering the trials, at a bare minimum entrants should have completed an RYA Start Racing course and / or competed in some local club dinghy races. Anyone entering the trials must be able to rig, launch, recover, sail around a triangular course without any assistance from an instructor and have a understanding of the basic rules and start procedure.

Parental support of Squad members will be important throughout their training although Manx Youth Sailing Squad will endeavour to keep financial implications to a bare minimum. Initial funding for the squad has been provided by a generous donor but the committee are sourcing other funds and would welcome support from other areas, commercial or private sponsors. To assist with costs there will be an entry of £5 per person for the trials and £30 per person per training weekend. Financial assistance toward travel costs is available through the MYSS.

Anyone who wishes to be considered for a place in the Manx Youth Sailing Squad 2009 is to please contact me for an application form and full details of the MYSS Selection Policy. Closing date for applications Mon 20th April.

Honda / RYA Youth RIB Challenge Heats

A total of fifteen wanabee powerboaters are signed up for tomorrow’s Honda RIB Challenge Heats hosted by 7th Wave. The Honda RYA Youth Rib Championship 2008 sponsored by Honda, Ribcraft, Icom and Indespension Trailers is a National Championship in which 8 – 16 year old Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) drivers, can demonstrate their skills with the goal of winning a 4.8m Ribcraft RIB with a Honda 50hp engine on an Indespension trailer and Icom radio for their club.

The competition takes the form of a time trial around a set of marks and the fastest time wins. The buoys are set approximately 7 metres or 1½ boat lengths apart so that skill and control, and not necessarily speed, are the most important factors. Each competitor will have two runs, one as a practice run and one as a ‘hot lap’. Both runs are timed and the fastest time put forward.

There are two classes: 8-12 years old and 13-16 years old. This is the age of the entrant at the time of the national final i.e. for the 8-12 year olds the competitor should not have had their 13th Birthday before September 21st 2008 and similarly in the 13-16 year old section they should not have had their 17th birthday before September 21st 2008.

7th Wave will be hosting our heats on Friday 30th May. We will provide an intensive morning of training for all participants prior to them competing in the 7th Wave heat in the afternoon. Boats and buoyancy aids will be provided by 7th Wave. A qualified Powerboat Instructor will be on board with participants at all times during the event. Winners and runners up will be eligible to enter the Manx Regional Final.

The Regional finals, sixteen in all, are held by clubs and RYA centres throughout the British Isles. The Isle of Man Regional Final will be hosted by the Isle of Man Yacht Club in Port St Mary on Saturday 28th June. Winners from the Regional Final are eligible to compete in the National Final at the Southampton International Boatshow in September. At the Regional finals trophies and other prizes are presented for the first, second and third places in each category. At the National final the Ribcraft are awarded to the winners respective club/organisation and the winners receive a trophy and further prizes.

Anyone aged between 8 and 16 can enter the competition, no previous RIB driving experience is required as full training will be given. The event will start at 10am on Friday 30th May. Closing date for entries is 28th May 6pm, entry fee is £39 per person for the full day. If you would like further information or to enter please contact us at this email address or phone 836366.

Further information is available at